Sunday, January 22, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday #21

Welcome, sixers! Yet more this week from Badger: A Strange Tale of Love, Sex, and Vigilante Justice. The anti-hero has just turned up at the heroine's apartment, bleeding from a bicycle accident.

I loitered in the threshold as he soaped and rinsed his hands, dried blood washing away to reveal injuries slightly less gross than I’d feared. But they needed wrapping. Once he’d splashed his scrapes with alcohol, I devised the world’s most ghetto Ace bandaging, duct-taping folded paper towels to Badger’s palms. It looked profoundly pathetic—nearly as pathetic as the zing I felt, touching him. Helping him, as homely as my nursing efforts were. Again, a flash of that dopey romanticism, as if my tending to his wounds would endear me, imprint me on his scabby black heart, the way he was stamped on my soft, bruised one.

If you want to check out the other Badger excerpts, you can do so by clicking here.

Thanks for swinging by! Now head here to check out all the other Six Sentence Sunday excerpts this week.


  1. Very nice. Oh, those scabby black hearts are irresistible, aren't they?

  2. "Again, a flash of that dopey romanticism, as if my tending to his wounds would endear me, imprint me on his scabby black heart, the way he was stamped on my soft, bruised one." Scabby black heart! Love it.

  3. I love her "dopey romanticism" and all that pathetic zinging. So sympathetic and familiar. Great six!

  4. I literally laughed out loud when I read the ghetto Ace bandaging part. I just love, love, love your writing!

  5. Wow, I love the descriptiveness of the excerpt! Nicely done!

  6. I love the comparisons in the descriptions. Beautiful done.

  7. great descriptions. Loved this: a flash of that dopey romanticism, as if my tending to his wounds would endear me, imprint me on his scabby black heart, the way he was stamped on my soft, bruised one

  8. Love that last line! What crazy interesting characters you have.

  9. I had to read "I devised the world’s most ghetto Ace bandaging" to my husband. He laughed too. LOL

  10. He's got a scabby black heart and she has a soft, bruised one. And there's ghetto Ace bandaging. 'Nuff said.

  11. I love this excerpt. Awesome.

  12. Very nice--love the description of the bandage. Great way of showing instead of telling, and a fresh voice to boot. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Sweet six, Meg. I like the way this story is developing and her gentle crush. Well done. :)

  14. Sigh. Damn it. What is it about your voice that makes me so jealous of your talent and so desperate to read more all at the same time? Love this as usual.
